

National Centre on Physical Activity and Disability – National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD) is a public health practice and resource center on health promotion for people with disability.

Ability Online – This resource provides a holistic and innovative model of support for helping vulnerable youth and young adults with disabilities or health challenges to reduce social isolation and increase inclusion.

Abilities Magazine – Canada’s Lifestyle Magazine for people with disabilities.

Active Living Alliance – The ALACD encourages people with disabilities to make physical activity a regular part of their lives and helps build the capacity of communities and organizations to make this possible.

By My Eyes – Be My Eyes connects people needing sighted support with volunteers and companies anywhere in the world, through live video and artificial intelligence.

Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities – This is a collection of manuscripts on topics surrounding leisure benefits and therapeutic recreation interventions for individuals living with different diagnoses such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, behavioural disorders, and learning disabilities.

Physical Disabilities – This resource is a collection of articles focusing on how leisure and recreation impact individuals living with a physical disability, spinal cord injury, and traumatic or acquired brain injury and how therapeutic recreation can improve mental and physical well-being through various programming and interventions.

Disability & Society – This Journal publishes articles surrounding policy changes for the inclusion of individuals with disabilities living in the community. The journal offers manuscripts on community care and inclusion practices for individuals living with disabilities.

International Journal of Developmental Disabilities – This Journal publishes international, peer-reviewed articles covering a wide range of interventions and practice models for helping individuals living with or those caring for individuals living with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Journal on Developmental Disabilities – This journal is an Ontario-based publication working towards making Ontario an inclusive environment for individuals living with a developmental disability. As well, this journal offers new and innovative best practice models for educators and practitioners working in this field.

Journal of Disability & Religion – This Journal publishes both academic manuscripts and reflective articles on the relationship between faith and disability. These articles provide a theoretical and practical grounding for practice in spirituality and ways to foster inclusive relationships between individuals and their spiritual community.

Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders – This resource is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes manuscripts focusing on best practice methods for those working with individuals living with ASD and how to mediate challenges faced by those with ASD.

Established in 1999, Therapeutic Recreation Ontario (TRO) is the only professional association that represents Therapeutic Recreation practitioners in the province.

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