Professional Development Committee
The Professional Development Committee develops and implements strategies that offers quality professional development opportunities to TRO members and non-members who are practicing Therapeutic Recreation. This includes planning and executing of the Annual TRO Conference, webinars, communities of practice, membership surveys, and TR month campaign.
Committee volunteers include: Heidi Slotegraaf (Co-Chair), Callum Thompson (Co-Chair), Suneel Saini, Lauren Waite, Jessica McNeilly, Erica Arbour, Komal Nawariya, Michaela McClymont, Robyn Mongelli, Kayla Sparling, Caitlin Emberley & Cherrie Salandanan.
Advocacy Committee
The Advocacy Committee develops plans to broaden TRO’s reach to various stakeholders, as well as the implement advocacy strategies, resources and tools. Their work includes identifying public policy opportunities that align with TR concerns, developing, recommending and ensuring the implementation of advocacy strategies, and developing constructive and collaborative relationships with government.
Committee volunteers include: Victoria DePass (Chair), Jenna Davis, Lisa Gordon, Allison Parker, Karen Faragher, Nicholas Kathen, Alicia Kuhr, Blair Chard, Kristen Dwason & Stephanie Gillard.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) Committee
The purpose of the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) committee is to provide insight and recommendations enabling Therapeutic Recreation Ontario (TRO) to foster diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging within its internal operations. The work of the committee will enable and support TRO members to engage with educational programming, policy practices, and principles around DEIB.
Committee volunteers include: Chelsea Lazar (Chair), Emma Story, Amanda Smart, Bethesda Galindez, Hashan Fontaine, Osheen Gandhi, Amrit Kaur & Dhivya Balaji.
Practice Review Committee (PRC)
The Practice Review (PRC) Committee conducts activities, advises and creates pathways for professional development and ongoing education. The PRC Committee makes policy recommendations to the Board about the developments, ongoing operation and evaluation of practice review and continuing professional development programs subject to the Bylaws and Board policies.
Committee volunteers include: Vicki Di Giovanni (Chair), Cindy Marshall, Jessica Sue, Montana Goldrup & Tara Hill.
Therapeutic Recreation Provincial Education Steering Committee (TRPESC) Committee
The purpose of the TRPESC Committee is to make recommendations to the TRO Board of Directors relating to TR education considerations and the impact of the recommendations on TRO processes. This Committee exists to direct and advance TR education in the province of Ontario in accordance with TRO’s Standards of Practice and strategic direction.
Committee volunteers include: Yvonne Ng-Gerritsen (Chair) & Ontario Educators
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee provides governance between board meetings and advice, mentorship and support to the President.
Committee volunteers include: Jenna Davis (President), Victoria DePass (Vice-President), Yvonne Ng-Gerritsen (Secretary), and Katherine Lee (Past-President).
Standards of Practice Working Group
This working group is revising TRO’s Standards of Practice and Essential Competency Framework documents.
Committee volunteers include: Alison Bates (Co-Chair), Alyssa Vanwyck (Co-Chair), Jenna Davis, Victoria DePass, Vicki Di Giovanni, Chelsea Lazar, Claire Hutchinson, Devan McNeill, Sean Dellaire & Kelsey Agnew.